News and information

the managers


This is what we call team work. Being with Rev Ngah Samson and brother Obed Chuye, with a hand from bro Tangko Elvis, made such a wonderful team in building the limbum website. We are proud of our culture, religion, literature. So we thought having a site like this will be a whole library for the Mbum man. Make it a date and be the first to visit

Do not forget to leave a comment in the email feel free to send us some useful materials in photos and videos and audios and Other literacy materials so that you can be part of this great job.

1 Cor 12:12. Just as the body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.


We greet you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Our page is now active and as you go through the different places here, you may have questions or concerns or material you would like to have us publish them. Send them through our mail at or you get us through whatsapp only at +237677504196

Thank you and God bless you

Your encouragement is valuable to us

Your stories help make websites like this possible.